September 21, 2024

God Blogs!

Posted by: of Blogging Systems Group on 10/14/05

I don’t mean God actually blogs, but that there is a bloggercon going on right now called Godblog. It’s happening at Biola University even as I speak. In fact, one of our very own bloggers, LaShawn Barber (See her blogs here and here) is a featured speaker. (So, why isn’t she talking about it instead of me? Hmmm.)

In case you’re not familiar with the religious end of the blogosphere, it’s big, especially among evangelicals. Hugh Hewitt is a name many people would recognize. He’s one of the Godblog superstars.

I have to give a shout out to one of my best friends, Stacy Harp, of Mind & Media. She’s a speaker on a session called Making Money with Blogs, and is keeping up with the convention on her blog.

1 comment for God Blogs!

  1. The rapidly expanding religious blogosphere

    Business Blog Consulting: God Blogs!. there is a bloggercon going on right now called Godblog. It’s happening at Biola University. In case you’re not familiar with the religious end of the blogosphere, it’s big, especially among evangelicals.Check out…

    Trackback by Blogging and Podcasting in Australia — October 16, 2005 @ 12:48 am

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